About Molly

hey there its me molly

I’m really just a Midwestern transplant living out my wildest dreams in East Tennessee with my family, believing Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life while seeking to live rooted in Him.

In my spare time, you’ll find me creating, baking, songwriting, or trying out my wannabe-stand-up-comedy-routines on my besties.

I love, love, love my husband of 8 years, Jake. I also (just *slightly* less) love coffee, wrapping Christmas presents, and those fireworks that are copper/rose gold and look like palm trees!

I really dislike mosquitos, single-ply toilet paper, and when people aren’t truthful.

I have a precious and totally spoiled Golden Retriever named Jobie (who firmly believes she is actually human). She is five and yes, she is my *little tiny* 70+lb. baby.

Vocationally, I spend my days working as a full-time missionary in a foster/residential care ministry alongside of my husband. Together, we have served over 50 different children who have lived in our home over the last four years (ages 4-21). We have a heart for kids in hard places and we share a desire to see them healed and whole; breaking cycles, generational sins, and statistics in Jesus’ Name.

In July of 2023, after an eight year battle with infertility, we conceived our first child. Easton Beck was planted on Earth, but bloomed in Heaven. We cannot wait to hold our sweet little one in our arms someday. We find peace knowing that Jesus is holding our precious babe in His arms until we can do the same.

To unwind, the beach & Disney World are our go-to destinations. Listening to the waves as they roll in, digging my toes in the sand- there is something so grounded and therapeutic about it all! Laughing with my husband as we plummet down the 50-foot drop on Splash Mountain is one of my favorite places to be. I am convinced that going to Disney World together has been a vital tool the Lord has used to save our marriage! I won’t over-spiritualize it, but letting loose and becoming a kid again, delighting in the little things will work wonders when building intimacy and friendship with your spouse. Plus, who doesn’t love food that is Mickey-shaped?

A few additional interesting facts about me:
– I am a former Walt Disney World Cast Member. (No wonder I love Disney, right?)
– I play guitar & piano
– I have spent the majority of 2023 recovering from double ankle surgeries after taking a bad fall in February… I wish I could say I fell in a manhole trying to save some kittens or something, but in reality, I fell walking out the front door of a condo we were staying in while on vacation. My ankles are healing up well. My pride, well… that’s still recovering.

Want to know more? Let’s grab a cup of coffee and chat!

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